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Discussing with staff members about how to get the students interested in learning was a daily lunchroom discussion. The class sizes were bigger due to budget cuts, the ability levels where varied and the overall education experience was in need of a boost.
My district needed to find the right combination of student interest, involvement, and effective learning. The topic of Project-based learning has hung over us- like - "that's what other schools have done- it seems like a lot of work and planning."
But with the backing of my work in my Masters in Digital Learning and Leading, I decided I would use those exact word - I would learn about PBL and I would lead my district towards PBL.
Action Plan
Action Research- systemic inquiry conducted by teachers, counselors, administrators, or others with a vested interest in the teaching and learning process or environment for the purpose of gathering information about how particular schools operate, how they teach and how their students learn (Mills, 2011).
I want my students to keep trying their best for me and for that reason I will try my best for them. I have read the praises and glories of project-based learning. If it is a good for the student as the research suggests them I must-
1. Plan for it - for the students
2. Act on it - for the students
3. Observe it is working - for the students
4. Reflect on it's worth - for the students
And then the circle keeps going!
PBL can be the greatest thing if the students don't like it then we need to keep changing.
Mills, G. E. (2011). Action research: A guide for the teacher researcher (4th ed.).
Boston: Pearson.
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