How do I Learn?
If I am figuring percentages- I equate it to sale prices.
When I add and subtract with negatives - I equate it it money.
When I learned about parabolas - I equate it to high jumping.
If I can see a reason that it will be useful in the future- I can learn it.
parab |
money-happiness-and-the-secret-to-a-rich-life_edited |
sale-balloons |
Connecting the Dots!
That is My Learning Style.
Watch here!
“A key outcome of constructivist learning is knowing how we know” (Wilson, 1996).
From the standpoint of the child, the great waste in school comes from his inability to utilize the experience he gets outside while on the other hand he is unable to apply in daily life what he is learning in school. That is the isolation of the school--its isolation from life.
--John Dewey, 1916.
Annotated Bibliography
--I found this blog from a picture but I read more Crooks was coaching a business in to looking at the big picture and making changes for success from there. This is the same as a lesson. What do I want to accomplish in the end? Start with the goal and more forward from there.
Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York: Random House.
--This entire book changed the way I think these days. The frist class of this program and this book made me understand why I do what I do. I know that each student can get better with the right kind of encouragement. I must do what I do because I know I can make a change.
Godin, Seth. (2012) STOP STEALING DREAMS: Seth Godin at TEDxYouth@BFS [Video file]. Retrieved from
-- I have watched this video for every class we have had. I find something I can use fro each project. I really feel like his influence in the way I know approach teaching and learning.
Use a Learning Theory: Constructivism. (n.d.). Retrieved March 06, 2018, from
--I used the video because in the first 35 seconds - I saw myself. Lessons that I that I talk through are terrible days. My students are not invested and neither am I. "Learning is more meaningful to students when when they are able to interact with a problem or a concept. I found the video quite helpful and enjoyed how it gave real life examples of using applicable experiences in a classroom.
Mims, C. (2003). Authentic Learning: A Practical Introduction & Guide for Implementation [Web log post]. Retrieved March 10, 2018, from
--I started writing my assignment before I read this article. I was shocked and pleased to find that so many things I was thinking was in one place. This article validated my learning style short notes.
Piaget, J. (1954). The construction of reality in the child. New York: Basic Books.
--I have to say I have not read the entire works of Piaget but I look forward to it. I agree the a student must be involved with his education to makes it meaningful. I have read several of the studies that are available on the internet.
Use a Learning Theory: Constructivism. (n.d.). Retrieved March 06, 2018, from
--I used the video because in the first 35 seconds - I saw myself. Lessons that I that I talk through are terrible days. My students are not invested and neither am I. "Learning is more meaningful to students when when they are able to interact with a problem or a concept. I found the video quite helpful and enjoyed how it gave real life examples of using applicable experiences in a classroom.
Weimer, M., PhD. (2014, March 26). What’s Your Learning Philosophy? [Web log post]. Retrieved March 8, 2018, from
--Dr. Weimer talks about the Neil Haave's distinction between learning styles and a learning philosophy. Ask yourself what you need to learn and after was it worth it? This article also made me ask - How do I deal with Failure? This is the reason I had to reevaluate the way I teach Behaviorist.
Wilson, B. G. (1996). Constructivist learning environments: Case studies in instructional design. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications.
--Wilson gives great detail about constructivist learning environments as a whole in this book. He gives many details on how to enforce constructivists learning environments as an instructor or facilitator, and how to actively participate as a learner in those same environments. I liked the way Wilson compares and contrasts several ideas of the learning process, learning environments, ownership and voice, and learning theories as he expands on several of the famous constructivist theorists prior work.
Image: Parabolic Curve,
Image : Money -happiness,
Image: Sales balloons,