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My Innovation plan started out as a rough idea. I knew what we had available at my school district but I didn't know how to approach the sharing and caring aspect. 
I started with a letter to my district superintendent.
"The objective of my plan is to provide students with the tools to document their learning and tap into their logic and problem solving through experiences that they design at their own pace."

Collecting Dots or Connecting Dots

I researched the ideas and I knew my WHY. -
"The objective of my plan is to provide students with the tools to document their learning and tap into their logic and problem solving through experiences that they design at their own pace."
I could back up my thoughts with research but the plan to implement was still a bit shaky 
yard sign.jpg
why do.jpg
Using the Influencer and the 4DX models I started to sort out and clarify a plan for my goals. Using the 4DX model I spelled it out. I had a WIG (Wildly Important Goal)

My innovation plan is implementing Project Based Learning in my district.


I have gone back and forth about where to start, how many grade levels to include, how many teachers to work with and what will my role be. The plan is grand but the starting point and the actual project right now is smaller.

I have introduced Project Based Learning in my own 5th and 6th grade computer skills classes. I have only applied PBL to one content area so far. I made a course - the main objective was to learn about the Google Suite tools. I planned to have the students do this in the context of the Amazon Basin area. Because it was our first time - I layed out a lot of options- I gave them a list of suggested “driving questions” and let them work in teams.

I loved the idea of them learning in this way- they got a choice in their final product.


Some observations-

  • We had several snow days and the timing for this year was pushed

  • 1st attempt - students not real clear of expectations.

    • Not used to having such open choices - COVA is new to them

    • I had to let go of a lot of control - COVA new to me

  • I started with 5th and 6th grade same time

    • 5th grade - needed a little more skills lessons to get a end project

    • 6th grade - better prepared but less motivated (I need to adjust for that)

  • I added extra “jobs” mid project - to peak real life interest


What Worked

  • Students loved the freedom once the alien look was gone

  • Adjusted the jobs - to make more relatable 

  • Had student editors add content to web page  for authentic voice/public audience

  • Amazon Rainforest

Needs work

  • I need to get more comfortable with PBL

  • More feedback to the students/ set up student to student feedback

  • I need to use COVA approach in my classroom more often so that the students and I both get more comfortable

My Voice

  • I did a Professional Learning - 3 hour session for teachers in my district and I helped 2 other staff members start their own PBL project areas

  • As I get more comfortable with PBL - I will share more

  • I have worked with the fourth grade teacher and together we have introduced two content learning areas with PBL and Driving Question Exploration. 

    • Illinois 200th Birthday ​

    • School Improvement

  • We are a Future Ready School and have committed to make changes so that our students have the opportunity to achieve to their fullest potential. The change to student centered learning is coming! - Next year - more PBL and Driving Question Exploration!


Some truths and Observations

Truth Bomb!
I read and I planned and I thought I knew what I wanted but as every new class started at Lamar I changed -
I want to get the toys out of the closets-
No - I really want the Jr. High teachers to start this goal and I have a plan so it will work -
No - No - I want...
I am thankful for the journey that Lamar University's DLL program too me on - so much I didn't know and now I am equipped with a full digital toolbelt.
Since starting my Project Based Learning Course with my students I felt like I wanted to jump in a bit further- 
I "COVAed" it up! - can I say that? 
I added "Freelance" workers
The students get to choose a job that they want to take on outside of the team requirements.
Choice - They choose a job and what direction it will take them! 
Ownership - I made a list of jobs from all sorts of genre - the students will choose their interpretation of the job. 
Voice - Community Open House, Twitter, Facebook - the jobs will be in the public eye.
Authentic - web design, photographer, coder, news writer, entertainment writer, graphic design, video production - These jobs are real world experiences.
Grenny, J., Patterson, K., Maxfield, D., McMillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2013). Influencer: The new science of leading change. New York, NY:   McGraw-Hill.
McChesney, C., Covey, S., & Huling, J. (2012). The 4 disciplines of execution: Achieving your wildly important goals. New   York, NY: Free Press.
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