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Adopting a Growth Mindset

  • How do you interpret the message of "yet"?

Yet - what a great way to start a lesson. "this is hard- I don't know how to it- I can't get it" YET! What a great way to let the students know that they are not expected to know the lesson before - They don't know it yet! Maybe they won't get it the first or second time - their friends got it but it hasn't clicked with them -yet. It is great from the student's point of view but also a super reminded to the teacher - this kid hasn't learned the lesson - he can't do his homework - he can't prove he has learned the skill - YET! Patience dear teacher!!

  • How will adopting the growth mindset change the way you learn?

I started taking a close look at growth mindset a little over a year ago. My co-teacher read the book Kids Deserve it by Adam Welcome and Ted Nesloney. She read the book in one afternoon and I read it the very next day! They talked of making learning exciting and making the kids feel important. They went on to model ways to make students feel important every time they walked into the building. After reading this - I started to change my mindset. I read several more books- " Ditch the Textbook by Matt Miller, Innovator's Mindset, George Course and Shift This by, Joy Kirr This push and the need for change have done wonders for me. I would say "the growth mindset" is the reason I decided to continue my education sooooo many years later.

  • Consider the how the growth mindset can change the acceptance of feedback.

Again such a personal story- I didn't like my last evaluation. I knew I did more than what the administration saw, my job list is x and ALL other things not listed. I found myself negative and feeling cranky. Then, I started reading the book I listed before and I realized that only I can change those views. I need show what I can do and if they don't see it- I know what I have done or can do. And frankly why I was I there? I was there for the kids if the kids so what I did for them- that's all that mattered. So in my new growth mindset- it became clear to me - why and for whom do I do my job. I put on my "positive pants" and I am happier. Next evaluation in November - we will see!

  • Can the growth mindset help limit some of your own or your students' preoccupation with grades?

I have to go back to "yet." They can't type # words per minute. OK. They can't yet. But that kid can do x- y- or z. I try to remind them and me that students learn in different ways. Last year at our community wide open house, I collected "did you know" items about several students. Did you know Kacey C. marched in Washington for her cause. Did you know Chloie won the YMCA good person award for April? We put up accomplishments for half of our students - elementary, Jr high and high school. The students and public loved seeing the things that were not grades related but life-related. Great feedback!

  • What resources (content, video, media, etc.) might you use to learn more about the growth mindset?

I have read several books that have " boosted" my growth mindset life plans. But I have to say that I get my most usable ready made items from Pinterest and Teachers Pay Teachers. I have bulletin boards, bell ringers, posters for students and staff.




George Couros‏Verified account @gcouros

Todd Nesloney‏ @TechNinjaTodd

Traci Johnson‏ @tsuejohnson

Alice Keeler‏ @alicekeeler

So much more to list!

  • Review the graphic below and compare and contrast the Fixed Mindset to the Growth Mindset.

It seems to me as the fixed mindset is half of the package and that if you give the Growth Mindset just a bit of a try so many more opportunities open up to a person. I love the visual of growing-- because of and with the success of others. Never too much reminding of that.

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