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36 hours left

I have 36 hours left to winter break. Sure, I have thought about my next lessons for 5th and 6th grade computer skills classes - no really I have.

For my DLL masters class I designed a project based learning course that teaches a lot of Google Suite. Project based learning need a driving question. A question that the student wants to find out more about. Something that means something to them. The lesson plans are complete but...

So with 36 hours until class starts I am beginning to panic. Why will they choose a question? Wouldn't it be easier for them to let me tell them what to study? How can I make this difference? Not my first year, actually my 10th year teaching 5th and 6th grade but this year is different. This year I am learning and pushing the limits. This year I will finish my masters. This year, my littles, are my guinea pigs.

Get it together Mrs. C!

I decided that for this project - Amazon Exploration - the driving question - the students will pick their own freelance project. Show me what they want and in a medium they chose.

A Freelance writer - photographer - designer - student driven question, answer and production.

Will my students be ready to face the future? Will they personalize their learning? Will it be authentic? I am here for that reason.

Wish me luck!

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