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Wild Goals!

What is a wildly important goal you might have as it relates to technology integration in your career?

The most "wild" idea that I have for technology integration is getting my staff on board and comfortable while using it. Then, when I have them comfortable with actually opening up the Chromebook and turning it on. I have this "wild goal" that as a staff we can venture further into the SMAR model developed by Dr. Ruben Peuentedura. The goal is to transform learning experiences so they result in higher levels of achievement for students. Kathy Schrock has produced as well as gathered several images to further enhance the understanding of the SAMR model. I want to help my teachers - who will then help their students transform their education.

(2014, June 29). Learning, Technology, and the SAMR Model: Goals ... - Hippasus. Retrieved September 12, 2017, from

(2013, November 9). SAMR - Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything. Retrieved September 12, 2017, from

Would you consider yourself primarily on a growth mindset or a fixed mindset?

I would say in the last 2 years I have concentrated on a moving to a positive growth mindset. After reading the book Kids Deserve it by Adam Welcome and Todd Nesloney I ask/remind myself - “Why are we here?” I want to change the way I do things because “Kids Deserve It.”

(n.d.). Kids Deserve It!: Pushing Boundaries and Challenging Conventional .... Retrieved September 12, 2017, from

Has one mindset set you back from achieving this wildly important goal? I guess when I thought about this question I would say the Growth Mindset has set me back sometimes. This is because I jumped in with both feet. - Ready to change the world and more importantly my colleagues. Funny thing - they don’t feel as enthusiastic as me. I had to step back and regroup and make a plan to get there. I am on the Professional Development committee and slowly we are sneaking in tech education for our staff like vegetables on to the kid's plates.

Do you build up resistance to failure, avoiding it all possible times? I sure try not to avoid failures. I try not to take myself too seriously and let the students and staff see that. If I make a mistake and can fix it I also make a big deal of that. I can be clumsy and misplace things and sometimes that is what lets me bond with others.

Nothing ventured nothing gained!

What resources (content, video, media, etc.) might you use to help you develop your skills?

I saw a commercial the other night after our online session and I couldn’t believe how fitting t was to our subject this week. “The Drive” Hot Wheels Commercial. and also love to show this video for successes and failures Audri’s Monster Trap. I like the KISS approach - Keep it Simple Silly!

(2017, September 11). "The Drive" Commercial | Challenge Accepted | Hot Wheels - YouTube. Retrieved September 12, 2017, from

What steps will you take to ensure you will not downplay the growth mindset with the easier-to-do 'false' growth mindset?

I like Susan Mackie advice, give your fixed mindset persona a name. Talk to it, calling it by name, when it shows up. Over time, try to recruit it to collaborate on your challenging goals instead of letting it undermine you with doubts and fears.

I also like to embrace the thought that I have the choice. I can deal with setbacks. I can deal with criticism but ultimately it is my choice. I get the chance to recognize it and change it.

(2016, January 11). Recognizing and Overcoming False Growth Mindset | Edutopia. Retrieved September 12, 2017, from

"MindSet: A Book written by Carol Dweck. Teaching a growth mindset ...." Accessed 12 Sep. 2017.

What is most important - the what, the how, or the why when it comes to learning and pursuing life goals?

Freedom of choice! I never wanted to sit in a PD (Professional Development) that didn’t pertain to me. I teach but I don’t have to give grades. I don’t want to listen about grading strategies. I don’t need it. I do want to learn about A. -B. or C. So I would say from my point it’s the what is the most important in learning and pursuing life goals. If if it “strikes a chord with me” I will learn! I think it’s the same for students - if you can show them when and where they will use the lesson they will make a connection and learn your lesson.

What does UDL and personalized learning mean for the learner?

The UDL shows that all learners learn differently and therefore we must teach the way they learn best. It shows that we must give the lesson multiple ways of representing a concept and give multiple means of expression and action for the lesson as well as several levels of engagement. No student is the same and the way they learn is never the same. If we are looking to educate all we must give equal opportunities to all we mean to teach.

(2014, July 31). What is Universal Design for Learning | National Center On Universal .... Retrieved September 12, 2017, from

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