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PLN's So much more to Learn

1st PLN - ICE/ entICE Illinois Computer Educators is the state entity and our newly formed local chapter is entICE - educators needing Tech. The mission of Illinois Computing Educators is to lead the educational community in enhancing learning through technology.

ICE has a great Twitter presence and regularly emails professional development opportunities. And the local chapter provides a PD once a month. We have met at local schools and had patio PD’s at a local restaurant. ICE has a wonderful conference in February and this year I have applied to present on the Growth Mindset. I have presented several different topics for entICE at our local PD opportunities. This group has given me a great local network as well as across the state.

2nd PLN - Google+ Communities - There is a community for any area that you want to follow. I have several I follow but the 2 I like in the Technology area Technology in Education and GSFE Admins (G Suite for Education)

Technology in Education - Home for discussion, collaboration and sharing of resources on Technology in Education. I love to see what the world of educators talk about. I live in a small little world but I know the world is larger and I like to see their questions and answers. I consume a lot but I don’t add much to that conversation. I do take the info I learn and sound really good to my colleagues when they ask. So much left to learn!

GSFE Admins (G Suite for Education) Google+ Community

As a member of this community, I watch the issues that are happening with Google for Education. I say watch because I do not post very often. I am a Google administrator in my district but I am second in command so I don’t make many changes but I do like to watch the posts and responses so that I can have an educated guess for some of the tech issues that come up. The feed comes to my g-mail account so I can quickly look at the topic and dismiss it if I don’t need it.

3rd PLN -- Twitter @jencarlson1 - Using Twitter as a PLN has definitely rocketed my links to the outside world. I watch leaders in the field of education and can “tweet” with them directly. @alicekeeler is a Google goddess. @kathyschrock SAMR model guru. @awelcome co-author of @KidsDeserveIt most positive push for kids I have ever read. Twitter is the place to follow and join in Twitter chats of all topics. Here is a link to the calendar of educational chats. My colleague is a Twitter genius and the link to her presentation. Expanding Your PLN with Twitter chat.

I can also watch what is going on in my own elementary building classrooms. I tweet my classroom activities, homecoming activities, and sports events. #ROWVASTRONG

I collaborate a great deal with the colleagues in my district as well as my ROE. Regional Office of Education. I consume and produce through conferences, email, and Twitter. I am the “Technology Mom” -if it breaks I find a way to fix it. I also push many of staff to try something new I “just” learned about. I also enjoy adding my 2 cents on Twitter chats.

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