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“force yourself to explain why you did something"

Combines in Field

As I move though my graduate classes- I read and really listen to education studies and theories. I read the following quote in a fellow student's discussion question.

Seth Godin describes blogging as a way to “force yourself to explain why you did something by responding out loud.”

Tonight I sit at parent/teacher conferences. I am the district librarian and technology assistant - I have no parents that I meet with. This gives me the chance to talk about my dinner conversion with my colleagues. I have a fellow teacher that has been in our rural for several years. This teacher has not reached out to learn the students and their way of life. I would love to vent about this teacher - and I have. Enough of that - Carol Dweck and my prior class taught me a new defense. I need to stop saying what this teacher doesn't now and remind myself that maybe she doesn't know about rural life "YET". I stepped back and shook my head and pushed the reset button. "How can I help this "student of life"?

My plan - expose her to things our students experience. I am part of the professional development team for the district- provide needed PD. I am working with my agriculture teacher and we have decided to add tips and facts in several places around the district. There are probably more teachers that can learn from this process. I have also taken the lead in finding a tour for our next teacher's institute that will further her learning.

She doesn't know about framing -YET because she has not been exposed!

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