Add Blog Writers
Adding writers is a great way to bring more fresh and diverse content to your blog. Whether you’re running a small business or a large...
Start Right Now
Friday morning - October's all day teacher's in-service. This in-service is usually a county wide thing and usually fun to meet up with...
Who Owns the Eportfolio?
Who owns your online work. I have read all of the articles but I still struggle with the answer to that question. I agree with the...
Borrowing Resources
I was asked by a friend to be on her team. She is a best friends so I said sure before I asked for what. Well, then she tells me she got...
“force yourself to explain why you did something"
As I move though my graduate classes- I read and really listen to education studies and theories. I read the following quote in a fellow...
Great Sources EDLD 5302
Carol Dweck, Developing a Growth Mindset (9:37) Published by: Stanford Alumni Date: 10.09.2014 YouTube URL:...
PLN's So much more to Learn
1st PLN - ICE/ entICE Illinois Computer Educators is the state entity and our newly formed local chapter is entICE - educators needing...
Wild Goals!
What is a wildly important goal you might have as it relates to technology integration in your career? The most "wild" idea that I have...
Adopting a Growth Mindset
How do you interpret the message of "yet"? Yet - what a great way to start a lesson. "this is hard- I don't know how to it- I can't get...